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The 7 benefits of a standing desk
Being sedentary is bad for your health. People who are sedentary every day have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and premature death. In addition, sitting all the time burns few calories, which many studies have linked to weight gain and obesity. For office workers who sit most of the day, this is a major problem. Fortunately, standing desks are becoming more and more popular.
What is a standing desk?
A standing desk is basically a desk that allows you to stand comfortably while you work. Many modern versions are adjustable, so you can change the height of the desk and alternate between sitting and standing positions. These are called height-adjustable desks or sit-stand desks. Although research is still in its early stages, the use of standing desks does offer impressive health benefits and can also increase productivity. fezibo is a great standing desk that is flexible and can be raised and lowered to meet different height adjustments.
First, standing reduces the risk of weight gain and obesity. Weight gain is ultimately the result of consuming more calories than you burn. Conversely, burning more calories than you do can lead to weight loss. Although exercise is the most effective way to burn calories quickly, simply choosing to stand rather than sit is also beneficial. In fact, the equivalent amount of time spent standing has been shown to burn 170 times more calories compared to an afternoon of sedentary work. Burning off almost 1,000 more calories each week just by being at your desk each day. This caloric difference may be one of the reasons why prolonged sitting is so closely associated with obesity and metabolic disease.
Second, using a standing desk may lower blood sugar levels. In general, the more your blood sugar level rises after a meal, the worse it is for your health. This is esp In a small study of 10 office workers, standing for 180 minutes after lunch reduced the rise in blood sugar by 43 percent, while sitting for a different amount of time. Both groups took the same steps, suggesting that the smaller spike was due to standing rather than additional body movement around the office. Another study involving 23 office workers found that rotating between standing and sitting every 30 minutes throughout the workday resulted in an average 11.1 percent reduction in peak blood sugar. The harmful effects of sitting after meals may help explain why sedentary time is associated with a 112 percent higher risk of causing type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that using a standing desk at work can lower blood sugar levels, especially after lunch.
Standing may reduce the risk of heart disease, and the idea that standing is good for heart health was first proposed in 1953. One study found that bus conductors who stood all day had half the risk of heart disease-related deaths compared to their colleagues who sat in the driver's seat. Since then, scientists have gained a better understanding of the impact of sitting on heart health, with sedentary time thought to increase the risk of heart disease by as much as 147 percent. It's so harmful that even an hour of vigorous exercise can't make up for the negative effects of sitting all day. There is no doubt that spending more time on your feet is good for your heart health. It is widely believed that the longer you sit, the greater the risk of heart disease.
Standing desks appear to reduce back pain, one of the most common complaints of office workers who sit all day. To determine whether standing desks could improve this condition, several studies were conducted on employees with chronic back pain. Participants reported improvements in lower back pain of up to 32% after a few weeks of using a standing desk. Another study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that using a sit-stand desk for just four weeks reduced upper back and neck pain by 54 percent. In addition, removing a standing desk undid some of the improvements within 2 weeks. Several studies have shown that standing desks can greatly reduce chronic back pain caused by prolonged sitting.
Standing desks help improve mood and energy levels, and standing desks appear to have a positive impact on overall health. In a 7-week study, participants who used standing desks reported less stress and fatigue than those who sat all day. In addition, 87% of those who used standing desks reported increased energy and stamina throughout the day. Overall mood returned to its original level upon returning to the original desk. These findings coincide with broader research on sitting and mental health, which correlates sedentary time with an increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders. One study found that standing desks can reduce feelings of stress and fatigue while improving mood and energy levels.
Desks can even improve productivity. A common concern about standing desks is that they impede daily tasks, such as typing. While standing each afternoon may take some getting used to, standing desks do not appear to have a significant impact on typical work tasks. In a study of 60 young office workers, using a standing desk for four hours a day had no effect on characters typed per minute or typing errors. Considering that standing can also improve mood and energy, using a standing desk is more likely to improve productivity than hinder it.
Standing more can help you live longer, and studies have found a strong link between increased seating time and earlier death. This is not surprising given the strong link between sedentary time, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. In fact, a review of 18 studies found that people who sat the most died 49 percent earlier than those who died the least. Another study estimated that reducing sitting time to three hours per day could increase the average life expectancy of Americans by two years. Although these observational studies do not prove cause and effect, there is enough evidence to suggest that standing more extends our life expectancy. Reducing sedentary time can improve physical, metabolic and even mental health. That's why sitting less and sitting more is such an important lifestyle change.
In response to the above introduction, I believe this FEZIBO standing desk is what you need to buy and use, whether it is home office or office in the company office, is a good choice to bring you a healthy body and efficient work efficiency.
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Die meiste Zeit werden K-Pop-Sängerinnen als „Idole“ bezeichnet. Sie werden zu Objekten, die den unerreichbaren Schönheitsstandards ihres Landes entsprechen müssen. Aus diesem Grund bleibt ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als sich invasiven plastischen Operationen zu unterziehen.
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Tatsächlich beschrieb „Factory Girls“, ein 2012 vom New Yorker veröffentlichter Artikel, weibliche K-Pop-Sängerinnen als sorgfältig hergestellte Objekte. Es wird seit langem erzählt, dass die K-Pop-Industrie in Bezug auf ihre Sängerinnen unter einem Lolita-Komplex leidet. Der besagte Komplex beschreibt die sexuelle Anziehung zu pubertierenden Mädchen. Genau so werden K-Pop-Sängerinnen der Welt als unschuldige, aber sexualisierte real doll porno präsentiert. Sie sind auch dazu gemacht, sich kokett zu verhalten, um ihre frauenfeindlichen Fans zu erregen.
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Die Kontroverse um die K-Pop-Industrie und ihre sexuelle Objektivierung ihrer Sängerinnen
Girl’s Generation ist das perfekte Beispiel für diese Phase. Das äußerst beliebte K-Pop-Idol Hyuna wurde im Alter von 13 Jahren als "sexy Girl" vermarktet, als sie als Mitglied der Gruppe Wonder Girls debütierte. Darüber hinaus ist die Verbreitung dieser pädophilen Fantasie der besondere Grund, warum südkoreanische Musikagenturen Mädchen im Alter von 12 bis 13 Jahren rekrutieren. Diese jungen Mädchen trainieren während der meisten ihrer Auftrittsjahre in einem stark kontrollierenden System, das Idole produziert. Dieses unmögliche Bild von K-Pop-Sängerinnen ist die eigentliche Repräsentation des in ihrem Land allgegenwärtigen Sexismus und Patriarchats.
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Abgesehen von der Schaffung sexueller Bilder für ihre Künstlerinnen fördert die K-Pop-Industrie auch einige Formen verdeckter Sexualisierungstechniken. Dazu gehören die Darbietung weiblicher Background-Tänzerinnen, die provokant gekleidet sind und in fast allen K-Pop-Videos, die sie veröffentlichen, kokette Tanzbewegungen ausführen. Dies ist unabhängig vom Genre des Songs vorhanden. Es stimmt, dieses Problem ist in der gesamten globalen Unterhaltungsindustrie präsent. Was es jedoch in der K-Pop-Branche besonders tödlich macht, ist, dass Frauen dort als kleine Mädchen dargestellt werden, um den ahnungslosen männlichen Blick zu befriedigen.
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Professor Kevin Crawley vom Ostasienstudium an einer Universität mit Sitz in Irland sagte der Korea Times, dass K-Pop-Künstlerinnen sich provokativ kleiden und tanzen müssen. Von ihnen wird jedoch auch erwartet, dass sie die konfuzianischen Sexualverhaltensnormen befolgen. Mit anderen Worten, südkoreanische Künstler müssen sich wie Prototypen der Jungfrau Maria verhalten und gleichzeitig eine neckende Art von Sexappeal haben.
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Trotz all dieser beunruhigenden Fakten gibt es eine Reihe von weiblichen K-Pop-Gruppen wie MAMAMOO, die in ihren Videos und Performances ihre Körperteile und ihre Sexualität zur Schau stellen. Sie tun dies jedoch zu ihren eigenen Bedingungen und werden nicht von ihrer Agentur oder anderen gezwungen. Darüber hinaus zeigt Blackpink auch eine Art Alpha-Girl-Swag, während sie auf der Bühne stehen. Ebenso verwendet LOONA in seinen Videos eine gender-fluide Ästhetik. Es schafft sexistische Repräsentation ab und fördert stattdessen Inklusivität. Mit diesen kleinen Hoffnungsschimmern kann man den Frauen der K-Pop-Branche nur wünschen, dass sie etwas erreichen können, was sie bisher nicht erreichen konnten. Dieses Ding ist eine weibliche Agentur.
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